Moderating Panels at Young Survival Coalition in Austin, TX

Sometimes the bad things in our lives put us on the path that directly enhances our live for GOOD. Here’s your daily reminder to check in with your physical and mental health! Just finished my own awkward mirror self-check — ayyyy! (.)(.) #FeelItOnTheFirst I’ve joined the Young Survival Coalition’s Council of Advisors, representing daughters of those with cancer. Young Survival Coalition is the premier organization dedicated to the critical issues unique to *young* women who are diagnosed with cancer. Their latest initiative has extended to co-survivors, or siblings or daughters of those with cancer and I’m stoked to be a part of that! First up I’ll be moderating panels next weekend in Austin, TX at the YSC Summit. Looking forward to speaking with therapists, oncologists, coaches, advocates, and more who are dedicated to these conversations. Talking ABOUT illness and death has become such a huge part of my life and meeting others in the same position is going to be inspiring to say the least. If you know a young person with cancer or who is related to someone with cancer, here are some of the things we’ll be doing. Message me for ways to get involved or more info, or check out their site for tons of epic resources. Panels next week include: Young adults living with metastatic breast cancer Young adults related to those with cancer Free counseling Managing Fear & Anxiety Navigating your career Dating after diagnosis Talking to others about illness
Hope to meet some of you there!
To learn more, please visit the official Young Survival Coalition website here.